Learn TTouchTM skills to overcome unwanted aggressive behavior, shyness, fearfulness, separation anxiety, and MUCH MORE!!!
Learn why TTouchTM has become the indispensable tool for professional handlers, vets and their assistants, breeders, daycare facilities, sherter volunteeers, and private guardians.
Learn how TTouchTM works to relieve allergies, arthritis, car sickness, leash pulling, jumping, aging, hip dysplasia and phobias and speeds post surgery recovery.
Learn how TTouchTM reduces stress, improves health and performance, and deepens understanding and rapport.
Learn how TTouchTM increases ability to make better decisions.
Contact Us today for private sessions, phone consultations, workshops, demos, or lectures.

In 1993, Soraida Salwala opened the World’s First Asian Elephant Hospital. Located in the MaeYao National Reserve of Lampang, Thailand, Friends of Asian Elephant (FAE) is a 200-acre facility that includes elephant infirmaries, an operating area and a nursery for baby elephants. Pictured here, Annie teaches TTouch™ Therapy to Mahout the elephant caregiver.
Ttouch Therapy Classes for your pets!
Calling All Animals
669 Grand View Terrace
Suite #5
San Francisco, CA 94114
By appointment only
Receive Private Client services of Annie Snowball, and witness the personal transformation in the 'before and after' emotional and physical well-being and positive change in your horse(s).

Working TTOUCH with Nagesh, a 10 foot Python,
who was so intrigued with the Ttouch effect that he just wanted to get as close
up and personal with me as possible.

This is a rescued lab from my Madrid, Spain clinic that was very excitable but the head wrap
of TTOUCH tools calmed him down noticeably bringing him back into his body where he
always wanted to be!!

Tellington TTOUCH™ Therapy
Tellington TTouch™ Training offers a gentle approach to the care and training of companion animals, horses, farm animals, exotics and wildlife. It is also an effective and empowering method that provides self-help for humans.
Developed by internationally recognized animal expert, Linda Tellington-Jones, PhD (Hon), this method is based on cooperation and respect for all animals and their people.
The approach in the field of canines is widely accepted as a powerful method to improve behavior, enhance performance and health and teach a dog to learn willingly. It helps establish a deeper rapport and more effective connection and understanding between humans and their animals.
The Tellington Method is comprised of four components:
Gentle body work called Tellington TTouch™comprised of circular touches, lifts, and slides;
Movement exercises in "The Playground for Higher Learning;
Specific harnesses and other equipment;
Intention with the realization that you can "Change Your Mind & Change Your Animal."
The Tellington TTouch™ can help in cases of:
Excessive Barking and Chewing
Leash Pulling
Jumping Up
Aggressive Behavior
Extreme Fear and Shyness
Resistance to Grooming
Excitability and Nervousness
Car Sickness
Problems Associated With Aging
This gentle method is currently being used by animal owners, trainers, breeders, veterinarians, zoo personnel and shelter workers on four continents. EMAIL OR CALL TODAY to find out how TTouch™ can improve the well-being of your animal today!